

In a nutshell, play, inspire, learn. is a momentum-starter. We create experiences that bring people together to learn from each other, to be inspired, and to play. 

What we do:

  • Create play and creativity based learning programs for children

  • Consult and develop corporate training programs targeting specific needs

  • Coordinate and organise educational and cultural events

We are committed to creating spaces for shifting perspectives, for people to see from a fresh eye, to be allowed the freedom from customs and limits. We are committed to creating processes that are playful, that engage the curious mind, and that invites questions.

Based in Jeju Island, South Korea, our vision is to connect the world to Asia with ideas, and inspire positive change along the way. If you are an educator, storyteller, innovator, policymaker, and leader of change interested in collaborating, we’d love to hear from you. 


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